4-Week Online
Virtual Assistant Bootcamp in the Philippines

Become a Virtual Assistant in 4 Weeks!
Join the Bootcamp Now

PINOYSEO ADS: UPCOMING EVENTS 4-Week Online SEO Bootcamp Philippines

3-Week Online Wordpress Bootcamp Philippines

4-Week Online General VA Bootcamp Philippines


Who is this training for:

  • Anyone who wants to transition to online work-from-home career

  • Beginners with No Prior Experience

  • Entrepreneurs & Freelancers

  • Administrative Professionals

  • Customer Service Professionals

Course Description:

Join the PinoySEO VA (Virtual Assistant) BootCamp and become a certified virtual assistant through our real-time online training and meetings. This course is created to help you learn essential skills you need to have in order to excel in the remote virtual assistant industry. By getting real hands on training and expert guidance you will become the most valuable resource to any organization. You will be masterly adept in a variety of tools and approaches. By the end of the Bootcamp you will have a certificate of completion, a strong resume, and the skills necessary to ace job Interviews .


New to the world of virtual assisting? No worries! This program starts from the ground up, teaching you everything you need to know to become a valuable VA.

-Working laptop or PC with an Internet connection. 

-Mic and Camera for online Zoom sessions.

Lesson Coverage:

  • Calendar Management and Scheduling:
      • Master the art of scheduling and managing calendars
      • Set appointments efficiently
      • Learn techniques to meet deadlines consistently
  • Office Software Proficiency:
    • Gain expertise in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
    • Learn the ins and outs of Google Workspace (Docs, Sheets, Slides)
    • Apply practical exercises and real-world applications
  • Communication Tools:
    • Effectively use Zoom, Skype, Slack, and Microsoft Teams
    • Implement best practices for virtual communication
    • Troubleshoot common issues in communication tools
  • Project Management:
    • Navigate project management software: Trello, Asana, Monday.com
    • Create and manage projects efficiently
    • Collaborate with teams and track progress seamlessly
  • Social Media Management:
    • Create and
    • schedule engaging social media posts
    • Understand the nuances of different social media platforms
    • Track and analyze social media performance
  • Email Marketing:
    • Craft engaging newsletters for clients
    • Learn best practices for effective email marketing
    • Utilize tools and platforms for successful email campaigns
  • Visual Content Creation:
    • Hands-on training with Canva
    • Design stunning visuals for various platforms
    • Complete practical projects to enhance your portfolio
  • Career Preparation:
    • Build a strong and compelling resume
    • Participate in mock interviews with the coach
    • Develop effective job search strategies and tips for success

Course Duration:

This course will run for 4 weeks. 


-Live coaching sessions via Zoom – 1 – 2 hr sessions

-All live sessions are recorded so you can review them anytime.

-Certificate of completion will be given at the end of the bootcamp.

-We will have a group Slack chat for communication.


Bootcamp Schedule:


-Batch 1 –  June 24, 2024 – July 24, 2024 MWF (7:30 PM) 1 to 2 hr live sessions – Bisaya English .  


-Batch 2 – To be determined. Taglish

Limited seats. Enroll now!

Email pinoyseo2022@gmail.com for enrollment.

Bootcamp price is P2000 per person.ï¾ Reservation of the slot is P500 and the remaining 1500 balance is payable anytime before or during the bootcamp.

Limited seats. Enroll now!


Jaida Labrado – A freelance virtual assistant with over 10 years of experience with clients in the US and Australia.

Rene Leandro Padilla – Founder of PinoySEO and MalachiSoft.com digital marketing agency



Limited seats. Enroll now!

Email pinoyseo2022@gmail.com for enrollment.

Bootcamp price: P2000

Reservation is P500 then the remaining 1500 is payable anytime before or during the bootcamp.

To reserve, please email pinoyseo2022@gmail.com.


** Reservation of slot is non-transferable to other batches and non-refundable.

Please review our Terms and Conditions, including payment details, for our bootcamps.